Monday, September 30, 2019

Discussion and Application Questions Essay

1. (a) The mission statement should be a clear, short, and to the point representation of the companies purpose for existence. It should incorporate socially meaningful and measurable criteria addressing concepts such as the moral/ethical position of the enterprise, public image, the target market, products/services, the geographic domain and expectations of growth and profitability. The intent of the Mission Statement should be the first consideration for any employee who is evaluating a strategic decision. The statement can range from a very simple to a very complex set of ideas. (b) Medtronic gives a strategic direction to its organization by committing to the research, design, manufacturing, and the sale of their product. (c) My career mission statement: Obtain my degree to position myself for future advancement within the organization I work. Exceed expectations by persistence, professionalism, and integrity. 2.(a) Empire State competencies is providing adult education through individualizes degree programs, distance learning, and flexible independent studies. (b) My favorite restaurant competencies are customer service and a large variety of beer and soups. (c) Dell’s competencies are customer service and technology. 3.The main result of each of the three phases of the strategic marketing process. (a) Planning: Marketing plans (or programs) that define goals and the marketing mix strategies to achieve them. (b)Implementation: Results (memos or computer outputs) that describe the outcomes of implementing the plans. (c)Control: Corrective action memos, triggered by comparing results with plans, that (1) suggest solutions to problems and (2) take advantage of opportunities. 4. Select one strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat from the SWOT analysis for Ben and Jerry’s shown in Figure 2-6, and suggest a specific possible action that Unilever might take to exploit or address each one. Strength: Prestigious, well-known brand name among U.S. consumers and Unilever can expand its growth globally as is a market for quality ice cream. Weakness: Need for experience managers to help grow. Unilever is the world’s largest ice cream company and has the resources Ben and Jerry need. Opportunity: Unilever can help Ben and Jerry react to the demand for frozen yogurt and other low-fat desserts by using their knowledge and experience. Threat: Pillsbury and Haagen-Dazs brands are their competitor’s and Unilever being the largest ice cream company would help them increase their market share.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Economics of Sumeria

By 7000 BCE there was farming, which required permanent settlement. ————————————————- By 4500 BCE, people archaeologists call Ubaidians were living in towns near where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers emptied into the Persian Gulf. EKONOMIKS –( http://earlyworldhistory. blogspot. com/2012/01/sumer. html poltics) (http://www. sjsu. edu/faculty/watkins/sumer. htm-poltics) This was  Mesopotamia  (Greek for â€Å"between two rivers†). It was around 4000 BCE that a people called Sumerians moved into Mesopotamia.By 3800 BCE the Sumerians had supplanted the Ubaidians and Semites in southern Mesopotamia. They built better canals for irrigating crops and for transporting crops by boat to village centers. They improved their roads, over which their donkeys trod, some of their donkeys pulling wheeled carts. And the Sumerians grew in number, the increase in population the key element in creating what we call civilization Do you know? Civilization is a word derived from an ancient word for  city. LIVINGS around each city were fields of grain, orchards of date palms, and land for herding.Besides planting and harvesting crops, some Sumerians hunted, fished, or raised livestock. In addition to an increase in population, civilization was also about variety, and enough food was produced to support people who worked at other occupations — such as the priesthood, pottery making, weaving, carpentry and smithing. There were also traders, and the Sumerians developed an extensive commerce by land and sea. They built seaworthy ships, and they imported from afar items made from the wood, stone, tin and copper not found nearby The Sumerians used slaves, although they were not a major part of the economy.Slave women worked as weavers, pressers, millers, and porters. The social structure of the Sumerians was decidedly different from other societies of th at and later times. The Sumerian communities were city states organized around a temple and ruled by a priesthood. There was a class of craftsmen in addition to the priests and peasants. The craftmen devoted most of their time to producing things for either the temples or the warrior-soldiers which protected the temple community. The people were to devote their lives to propitiating the gods to prevent calamities from befalling the community.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Elements and Genre Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Elements and Genre - Assignment Example It fulfills all expectations of romantic comedy movies without crossing genres. The movie The Imaginarium of Parnassus is an example of a science-fiction movie. Such movies have characteristics of high levels of imagination of things not likely to happen in reality. This movie qualifies to be in this genre since we find this aspect with the images formed. These include; enchanting meadows, mysterious forests that have ladders that go all the way to the sky and floating nymphs. Like the movie above, it fulfills all expectations of movies of this genre without crossing genres. Another film, Moulin Rouge – Silly Love Songs is an example of a music movie. The movie is full of sumptuous music and dance. The setting is the Montmartre Quarter of Paris. This movie fulfills all expectations of the movies of this genre. However, it crosses its genre since it has aspects of romance. It follows the love life of a poet who falls in love with Moulin Rouge meaning its genre can also be a romance

Georgia Cancer Foundation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Georgia Cancer Foundation - Research Paper Example In midst of such cancer crisis, Georgia Cancer Foundation (2010) is one of the non-profit organizations that are playing a significant and momentous role in preventing and reducing the number of cancer patients on this planet, specifically in the United States. In specific, 1975 witnessed establishment of this non-profit organization with the name of Southeastern Cancer Foundation (GCF, 2010), which later changed into its present name, Georgia Cancer Foundation. Since then, it has been momentous in putting efforts to plan and arrange provision of education and awareness facilities to residents of Georgia in the United States. Besides planning and arranging educational programs, the foundation is responsible for providing facilities of early detection of cancer agents in the human body that has been very significant in reducing the number of cancer patients that reach the level of untreatable cancer. One of the noteworthy attributes of Georgia Cancer Foundation (GCF, 2010) is its huge scope that includes all types of cancer, and thus, the foundation caters individuals coming from different and diverse backgrounds while fulfilling their requirements related with the disease of cancer. In order to cater all the residents of Georgia, the foundation runs a support group network that consists of different cancer services, especially of women that have been very beneficial for the organization to endeavor for the cause of cancer. With such networking of cancer services, the Georgia Cancer Foundation (GCF, 2010) has been successful in proving itself as the leader in the field of cancer care in the US state of Georgia. Statistics (GCF, 2010) have indicated that only in Georgia, approximately six thousand women get their breast cancer diagnosed in the state that points out the urgent need for an organization to focus on the women at risk of getting breast cancer. For this

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Marketing transportation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Marketing transportation - Essay Example A different political limit includes embargoes, or the ban of goods amid specific countries. Government plays an imperative role in restriction of cross border trade so as to promote their own goods. The government can involve itself with constructing marketable vessels and engaging in trade related activities so as to promote their own commercial fleet. The regime also supports their individual carriers through the implementation of cargo preference regulations. This needs the approval of the government to enable the careers to move freely in their countries. In the past, various global airlines were governmental owned with the state dictating their operations. The past 25 years have seen some government sponsored carriers being privatized. British Airways was owned by the government in 1980s (Czinkota, Ilkka and Marta). Logistics performance guide is an index to measure a country performance using six logical aspects. It was started as a way of recognizing the significance of logistics in international trade. The six aspects of logistics covered in the regulations include making the clearance process efficient by enhancing speed, procedures and inevitability. The use of border agencies and customs ease the process. It deals with improvement of the quality of trade and infrastructure such as the transport system. Performance index helps in simplicity of arrangement of competitively priced shipments, proficiency and value of logistics. This includes transportation operators and custom agencies. The performance index encourages the ability of the custom body in tracking and tracing goods. Ships are more efficient in that they are expected to follow a strict timetable and schedule so as to reach the predictable destination on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 2 Essay

Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 2 - Essay Example I worked for a few months in the year 2011, before the store closed in 2012. All the sales representatives reported to the sales manager. He is one of the best examples I have on leaders with some of the most effective skills. He would encourage all sales staff members to meet their set goals and related to most of us on a personal level. He would join us on strategy planning meetings and accept decisions that we reached based on consensus. Behavioral models are a set of theories on leadership used to explain leadership in terms of conduct of an administrator and his subordinates. It is an approach that lays emphasis on how a leader gets their subordinates to achieve goals and tasks in an organization (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2014). This approach also studies how employees in an organization are also able to attain personal goals while also accomplishing tasks allocated to them by their leaders. The behavioral approach is thus an approach based on initiation of structures and subordinates welfare considerations. Leaders who are keen on these two concepts are effective leaders (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2014). The behavioral approach originated from the Ohio and Michigan research studies on effective leadership. The Ohio research studies concluded that there is effective leadership in an organization if the organization’s leaders put structures in place and they also have high consideration of employees. The Michigan research studies divided supervisory behavior into production oriented and employee oriented approaches. The sales manager at Best Buy was very concerned with the welfare of all employees under his department. He was also not dictator when it came to making decisions. His effective leadership skills were also reflected in the productivity levels of sales representatives. In my opinion the leadership style employed by the sales manager was effective for the sales department. The leadership style used by the sales

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Corporate Socail Respinsibility of Merck Pharmeceuticals Research Paper

Corporate Socail Respinsibility of Merck Pharmeceuticals - Research Paper Example In a more modern and popular sense, CSR has become a public relations form as well as a marketing strategy that also pre-empts regulatory agencies (Mintzberg, 1983). However, there are many ways that firms or corporations apply CSR in their business system. One of the approaches is the community-based development where a firm establishes community presence and program in a fixed geographical area either in the area of their operation or outside of it. Some of the examples of community-based programs are efforts such as livelihood assistance for a supplier-manufacturing of clothes by a branded clothing, starting a literacy program through provision of books and learning aids, supervision, evaluation and recommendation for improvement in a certain school or area, waterways clean-up, and other efforts. A traditional approach has been philanthropy where corporations provide cash donations, products or tangible materials to a non-profit organization for its distribution to undeserved or d eserving beneficiaries such as Children International and like NGOs. Other forms of CSR are embedded on the supply-chain system such as adoption of the Fair Trade system that ensures animals are not harmed, workers are paid and benefited in a justified manner, packaging is ecological, employees are properly compensated, delivery, distribution and post-consumption processes took environmental protection measures throughout the lifetime of a single or collective products (International Business Leaders Forum and International Finance Corporation, 2007). B)  Ã‚  Merck Pharmaceutical’s CSR Program.     ?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The kind of CSR the company is doing:   Merck claims to ensure that CSR is â€Å"an integral part of the way we do business†¦ to create shared value and to help solve the tough issues facing business and society today,† (Merck, 2008, p 3). Their CR principles center on conducting business with high ethical standards; engage in expans ion of access to quality care around globally; make positive and sustainable impact on the communities and societies they live and work in; and provide fair and just compensation to employees (Merck, 2008). This is reflected on their claimed CSR programs research on new medicines and vaccines needed, environmental footprint management, improved access to medicines and vaccines, ensure confidence in safety and quality, advocacy and outreach, and executing the basics which pertains to ethical business process standards (Merck, 2008). CSR has become a very complex process that is involved in various stages of the corporate system, so that a multinational corporation like Merck Pharmaceuticals may be involved in several CSR efforts at one time. The IBLF and IFC (2007) have defined various CSR efforts of which the following are addressed: protection and promotion of the rights of individuals as stakeholders of a company from employees, consumers, suppliers, distributors, to community mem bers. On this manner, Merck has adopted several more popular CSR patient assistance programs in the United States for patients who cannot afford medications (Merck, 2006). This program has started in the 1950s and is active today. There are several CSR programs undertaken by Merck but this paper will focus on seven programs in practice as noted to be more practical to the public: Act Program for Emend, Act Program for Zolinza, Merck

Monday, September 23, 2019

Career Action Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Career Action Plan - Assignment Example Furthermore, a marketability analysis would be provided based on a research of my marketable skills as contrasted with the attributes that one’s professional industry is looking for. The evaluation would include which attributes one possesses and which ones have to be worked on. Concurrently, the ideal situation would be detailed through conducting a S.W.O.T. analysis of one’s current and ideal situation. In addition, my short-term and long-term goals would also be presented in the process. Finally, the steps to success section would discuss the strategies which are to be designed to achieve the explicitly defined career goals. People pursue different careers to serve varied personal and professional goals. Some individuals are given the foresight to discern which specific profession to pursue. Others manifest genuine interests in specialized endeavors through possessing innate skills and talents of distinct crafts or fields of study. In my situation, I have envisioned working in a banking institution as part of the management team. To enable me to prepare for the profession, I am currently pursuing higher education with courses that would match job requirements in business, banking, and finance. Currently, I am not working since as an international student studying in Australia, I have to focus on my studies on a full-time basis. Likewise, I could not undertake any part-time job due to visa restrictions. So far, the only work experience previously undertaken were volunteer works; specifically during the holidays when volunteerism in community activities entail providing assistance for building houses for the poor and homeless citizens. Despite the lack of work experience, I have perceived that I possess skills and attributes that would prepare me for future employment. The endeavors undertaken in school, at home, as well as while undertaking

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Social Class Warfare Essay Example for Free

Social Class Warfare Essay Since the beginning everything has been a power struggle, the ones who possesses the most resources dominated over those with the lesser amount. In this day and age, money reigns over the social class and those without it are struggling against the government who controls the majority of it all.As stated by Dee Dee Myers in her article, â€Å"What Class Warfare Really Means,† â€Å"the same folks who have seen their incomes and wealth skyrocket in recent decades – would take the biggest hit. † (Myers) With this issue, UTA students are directly affected because the problem of the current financial difficulties is tied to their friends, family, and themselves. The levels of taxes cripples the middle and lower class, keeping them within their social class, and gives them no hope of further succession Here, Myers explains how the higher and lower classes are virtually unaffected, while the working top brackets of the middle class are taxed to no end.Though many say there is not any difference between classes, I believe that the middle class is treated unequally in terms of taxation versus the other class’s because the government’s inability to distribute tax equally amongst the three classes,the boundaries being the gap in income which keep one classing from rising to another, and the nation’s obliviousness in realizing the unevenly distributed money. For several decades the democratic and republican parties have been in debate over tax preference, resulting in this tax warfare. Students at UTA and virtually any other colleges are forcibly introduced into the world of economy as we take are big leap into debt and taxation. As the majority falls into the middle class due to their loans, students are herded into an unfairly taxed bracket that they will possibly spend the rest of their lives in. In Dee Dee Myers’s essay she lays out the facts that states, â€Å"The 400 Americans with the highest adjusted gross income saw their effective tax rates plummet from 30 percent† (Myers) and that, â€Å"the bottom 40 percent of earners would be virtually unaffected.† (Myers) As explained, you can tell she is pointing out how the high and low class receives the tax break while the middle class is left in the ditch with taxes to pay. Students would find this important because they can never be accurate in determining which bracket of the economy they will fall into. â€Å"They expect to have their own shot at getting rich. But increasingly, they are seeing that the game is rigged.† (Myers) I, like countless other students, began to realize this as I journeyed into adulthood and discovered that success into the â€Å"good life† of high income will be limited as long as the government restrains us from growth. In relevance to that statement, a tremendous gap between those of low class incomes and those of the high class is clearly stated, â€Å"the wealthiest percentile has seen its income grow by a robust 17 percent, while the middle class has seen its real income fall.† (Norton) Though in different articles, similar thoughts are shared as they state unbelievably informative facts stating the gap between the rich and poor. Having this large gap between classes, one can only be left with the belief that the lower and middle class have no hope to gain any possibilities of greater success. Though many still believe that if they persevere through college and earn their degree, they will be able to jump into the high class and make hundreds of thousands of dollars, but in reality many will realize the difficulties, â€Å"More Americans than twenty years ago believe it possible to start out poor, work hard, and become rich.† (Scott and Leonhardt) as stated in Scott and Leonhardt’s essay, it seems that they are arguing that the lower and middle class are losing hope in rising to higher classes. With this all said the main issue can be seen as America’s obliviousness over the topic as a whole. A professor from Harvard named Michael Norton discussed in an interview over how Americans has unnoticed or underestimates â€Å"what the actual level of wealth inequality is in the United States right now.† (Norton) In Scott and Leonhardt’s novel, they saw class as, â€Å"seeming more elusive than ever† I would agree only to a certain point b ecause they are unaware of â€Å"the top 20 percent, as I said, have 85 percent of the wealth.† (Norton) Also with the fact that â€Å"the bottom 40 percent of the people in the United States have basically zero wealth,† as stated by Norton. In that statement, it exemplifies how unevenly the money is distributed in the United States. As students of UTA, we remain uninformed or have no desire to learn about the current state of America’s wealth. Also for students whose income is transferred from generation to generation is, â€Å"so money that goes from generation to generation to generation is very flat. So it tends to perpetuate a great deal over time.† In other words, all will be affected. The poor to the rich, in the end, it can only be solved by today’s students or the â€Å"future of America† to be properly be informed in order to solve our financial issues for the better. Though I know people will argue against my opinions, it will not hide the truth and the citizens of America will come to realize it sooner or later. In Scott and Leonhard’s novel, they stated, â€Å"The income of the middle class rose by just 17 percent, to $43,700, and the income of the poorest fifth rose only 9 percent.† (Myers) Which could be consider â€Å"a large increase† that the rich could argue, trying to state the point that the lower classes has gained some income. But in reality, â€Å"the top 20 percent of Americans is that they have 85 percent of the wealth in America.† (Norton) which cannot be overlooked. Those who oppose my idea might also say, â€Å"we worked for all this, why can’t you?† But in the interview with Michael Norton, he states, â€Å"But its much, much rarer than people believe, and especially wealth transmission,† which shows the difficulty imposed among the lower classes, and making them hopeless for any effort in succeeding. Social warfare will seem endless, as it has been here for several centuries. Many come up with an argument to speak their thoughts in unfairness to the irregularly balanced economic levels, in effort to make the public realize these issues. I, myself have argued in an informative point of view to help educate our future of America, the students of UTA, hoping my thoughts will expand from them knowing our variety of wealth levels from rich to poor. Hoping to end the obliviousness of this country, I informed the students, working hard for their future, so that they can at least scratch the surface of this issue as they grow and realize the hardships of inequality that come before them. Works Cited Myers, Dee Dee. What Class Warfare Really Looks like [What Class Warfare Really Looks like]. Politco. POLITICO, 11 July 2011. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. Norton, Michael. Interview by Steve Inskeep.Morning Edition. Natl. Public Radio, 7 Oct. 2010. Web. 11 July 2011. Scott And Leonhardt. â€Å"Class Matters†. New York, NY: Time Novels, 2005.1-26. Print.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The ICT Project Essay Example for Free

The ICT Project Essay Introduction: I have been given a task to find out a real end user for my project who is currently having problems with paper. I am brainstorming different types of techniques to improve the efficiency and quality of the paper based problem. I have found an end user for my project; it is one of my teachers in Sir John Cass, Mr Shah who is a key skills ICT teacher. His currently having a paper problem he needs to input details of individual student of their term report, his currently using a pen and a paper to input all the details such as the whole terms attendance, predicted grades etc. The type of software I will be using is Spreadsheet because it is one of the criteria in my project. Spreadsheet is an application used to input data into table graphs. This application will require basic computer (including input devices) and the spreadsheet application with a connected computer per unit. The way in which the spreadsheet will be constructed is a big factor when deciding its effectiveness and speed of input for example I do not want to overcomplicate the system. I will be using well known software called Microsoft Excel, which is ideal for the creation of tables and graphs as stated earlier. I in this case will be easy to use interface. Although the end user is not adept to the use of ICT I will be creating the system for a user with no ICT skills as this in a sense will speed up the input process further. Why not continue the old methods of registry and late entries: 1. All the work is written down so there are human errors such as spelling and when something like this is to happen you have to start over because on a formal piece of information there cannot be mistakes this can be time consuming. 2. Accuracy will be greatly increased with the user friendly interface which in addition to accuracy increases efficiency. 3. You may not able to make immediate electronic copies of information tables. 4. The special features available with Excel (spreadsheet) are no longer an option such as, immediate calculation, from entry, graphs and charts, etc. 5. Most of the surnames and first names are the same it can be difficult to find phone details, however with this system you can have this information automatically loaded with the name entry. Current System Mr Shah teaches year 7 to year 11 students for Key Skills ICT, the problems his currently facing is filling in individuals students records such as their term report, attendance record, working grade, everything on paper as it is a bit time consuming to find all the records of each students when filling in their report. Mr Shah is a very busy man as he is also the head of year of ICT key skills. The current system involves Mr Shah marking grades by using a pen and filling in term reports by manually and keeping records of individual students which involves writing everything on paper. Therefore I have stepped in to help him with his problems. I will be mainly focusing on year 11 as it is important for them because their about to face their exams. Problems with Current System: By reviewing Mr Shahs problem I have found out what the current common mistakes happened to be, they are: * The current system is inaccurate and most of the time he makes mistakes. For example, when she is working out percentage and grades for each student, she often makes calculation errors. * It is very time consuming, especially the calculation of percentages attained in marked worked and grades obtained overall. * As the names of students are not in order he finds it difficult to find the student to record a mark. * The report could easily get lost. * Also writing in individual names several times, which is time consuming. Interviewed Questions What is your position at this school? What type of system do you use for your mark tracks? What method do you use to mark your student work? What problems are you facing with your current system? How would you want your current system to be improved? What do you think is the major failings in your current system? Have you ever used a computer for tracking marks? Can you give me any samples of your current system? Is there a CD ROM drive in your computer? Do you have a printer? How certain are you when using computers? How certain are you when using Excel? What features and functions are you aware of in Excel? Do you keep all your records? Do you have any additional questions? End User Requirement Statement of user requirements Mr Shah feels a computerized system will solve some of her current problems as she thinks she has some knowledge about Excel. She feels I will be able to create an effective, fast, and easy to use automated system to calculate her students marks for her, which will enable her to solve her problem. They are the following things she expects to get from a computerized system. Input * She wants the new system to enable her to make management decisions that she uses to support student, which need help, whether parents need contacting, whether other action is required e.g. Detention. * The system should automatically calculate the percentage and grades of each student. This system will therefore make her work more accurate and easy to use. * Mr Shah wants the new system to be able to enter student personal details, e.g. DOB, tutor group, surname, etc. * She wants the new system to be able to edit student personal details. Also she wants the system to able to delete student personal details if a student moves form her teaching group. Output * Mr Shah the new system to use colour coding when displaying grades of each student, e.g. Green for A*, Blue for A etc. * Mr Shah would like a report facility where she can select a student from a list and the report will show the students name, gender, from group, overall percentages mark, grade obtained and an automatic comment on progress. * The system should be able to produce chart, which will analysis student overall performance and also compare girls and boys performance. Processing * The system will put the names of student in alphabetical order. * Mr Shah wants the new system to automatically convert numerical marks to percentages. Storage * Mr Shah wants the new system to be able to store 30 students personal detail and also store results for up to 70 tests. * Finally, the new system should not be used by anyone else except Mr Shah, I will make sure the system is safe and I will make sure it has a security code. Backup protocols are a necessity in the event that the master copy is lost or destroyed. Backup up will be provided by an external hard drive, and the system will be backed up periodically, i.e. every week, or in special circumstances, for example, there is a significant in take of data into the system. Furthermore, the backup copy will be stored of site, so that if theres a natural disaster affecting the main site, the backup copy will remain. Plus, this method of backup can be described as differential backup, which practices a cumulative backup of changes from the last full backup , allowing a full system restore based upon the last full backup. Due to the non existent computer skills of the employees, an introduction into the use of computers is necessary. To accompany the basic skills they will acquire, I will need to develop a user manual which will provide detailed instructions in performing various tasks in the system as well as maintaining it, which is vital to its integrity and reliability. However, Victor has advised me to provide a manual of minimal size and contents in order to avoid confusion and enable the employees to read it swiftly, so they can get on with the job as soon as possible. Source Documents The source document that I have provided is a copy of marks book that Mr Shah uses to record her student marks. As you can see there is a lot of data to be inputted by hand. This is one of the problems that Mr Shah has. The calculations of total mark and overall have to make using calculator, which is time consuming. Objectives of the new system * The new system will perform the following tasks: * It should be able to identify students with poor performance by using a visual alert. * Ability to edit incorrect mark, so whenever Ms Gammon make an accidental mistake, she will have the ability to correct it. * The system should be able to produce average performance percentage of each student for her class. * It should have the ability to Edit and Delete students details if required, thorough the use of data forms. * Easy and clear to use. * It should automatically calculate percentages and grades from the inputted a student marks and maximum mark available for each test. * Cell, formulae protected to prevent accidental deletion. * It should automatically work out a students grade, based on overall percentage for all tests taken. * It should be able to generate an automated report for students showing student performance. * Password (security) on file access. * It should automatically colour code student grades. User Skill Level Mr Shah has used Microsoft Excel but does not use it to calculate percentage, and grades of her marks. She is an average user, which means she does not understand most of the advanced features. Such as Vlookup, IF Statement, Macros, etc. Project Constraints Mr Shah uses school standard PC that I will be using to calculate percentages and grades for the new system. It has a four processor, which has 512 MB of RAM and 30 GB hard disk. It has Microsoft software including the excel 2000. Mr Shah Pc has CD Rom, USB and floppy drive, which are also connected to school network. This will make my work to be easy when loading the new system onto her computer because I can store it on the CD or floppy disk and transfer the system. Ms Gammon has printer in her office, which will be used to print out reports of student performance Performance Criteria These are the performance criteria that are going to be used in the new system that Mr Shah asked for: * MR Shah will be able to correct mistakes that she might make during marking; this will make the system to be more neatly presented and pleasant. * It should be able to add and delete students if required. * The system will generate automated reports of each student by click of a button showing their performance that can be sent to parent. * It will be easy and clear to use. * The new system will produce an average performance percentage for each student. And also it will automatically convert numerical marks to percentages. * It should have protection to prevent accidental deletion of important formulae, numbers, table, chart and text. All the sheet and cells in the system must be protected with security to prevent these. * Graph and charts should be generated quickly and easily to compare boys and girls performance, All student and by form. * The new system will not take more than 4seconds to view performance and grades for each student. * The system will generate automated colour coding when displaying grades of each student. * The system will store 40 student personal details, and also store results for up to 50 tests. * Mr Shah will be able to select student from a list and the report will show the students name, gender, overall percentage mark, grade obtained and an automatic comment on progress. Design Choice of Software I think that Microsoft Excel is the best option of software because it has got many features such as: * It has advanced functionality such as pivot table, sort, forms, Vlookup, average, and write protection. This will make things more automated for the user. * Pivot: this will hold table for charts. This will not need to be seen by the user. When they select the chart that they require on the student summary sheet, the pivot table on the sheet will change to represent that choice. It will also used to summaries archive data for use in charts showing: 1. By gender 2. Form * Data entry form will be able to edit and delete student records. * Conditional formatting will allow automatic shading of cells to give visual message for highlighting grade attained and also table displaying student grades. * Macros can be used to perform complex tasks at the press of a single button. * It can perform complex calculation such as working out the grade for each student. * User Forms for controlling actions with macros using buttons. * Chart /Graph: can be used to display output of information such as averages, predicted grades etc. * The user wants the system to be as error-free as possible. Excels Validation facility will allow me to set up range validation to control data input when entering student personal details, overall mark etc. * Protections of cell so that user cannot accidentally delete information. Statement of Input, Processing Output requirement The input would be: Personal Details: First name Surname Gender Date of Birth Form Roll number Student marks: Assignment marks Maximum /minimum mark Grade Boundaries The Processing would be: Calculating the grades through a Vlookup to the grade boundaries table. Sorting, grouping and summarizing data with a pivot table. Calculate the average of total marks Using Vlookup work out a grade for the average. The output would be: Pivot Chart/Graph showing comparisons between gender, form-by-form and overall year group achievement. Give students their grades using report card. Table displaying student grades. Creating report for using student with performance. School letter, which would be sent out to parent using conditional formatting to highlighting grade attained. Data Set Because of Data Production Act, I cannot be able to use the real detail of Mr Shah Students. For that reason, I will create my own data set of example student details, which I will work with.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The righteousness of God

The righteousness of God The righteousness of God emphasizes the perfection of His divine character while exposing the fallen nature of man. Romans 3:10 says There is no one righteous, not even one. Verse 11 goes on to say that there is no one who understands, and no one who seeks God. Mankind is fallen, and doomed to eternal damnation if not for the righteousness of God. The thesis of this study will demonstrate that Pauls epistle to the Romans more than any other book of the Bibleprovides profound insight into the free gift, and meaning of the righteousness of God. Gods righteousness is attained by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. Righteousness is a relationship word, and at the foundation of its meaning is the idea of being right with the other person; doing what is called for to preserve and continue the relationship. God has placed us in right relationship to Him through Christ. Gods righteousness demands He condemn sin, and judge sinners (1:18-3:20). In lieu of that condemnation and judgment, He has provided forgiveness of sin for all who believe in Christ Jesus (justification; 3:21,5:21), and power for living a holy life in right relationship to Himself (sanctification; 6:1, 8:39). Righteousness is the position commanded by God, in which we put on the new self that is created to be like God (Eph. 4:24; 2 Cor. 3:9; 6:14). Its conformity to all He commands or appoints. Since God Himself is the standard, the righteousness of God is the righteousness which belongs to God (Matt. 6:33; James 1:20). Righteousness is Gods standard for which people are expected to attain. Righteousness is what man should do, and righteous are those who do it. What does righteousness mean? The righteousness of God is a righteousness of faith (Rom. 4:11). A brief study of the word righteousness and faith, in their Greek and Hebrew form, will be necessary in order to fully comprehend the righteousness of God. Word Study Righteousness: Greek: (dikaiosune); (1) Pauline thought of the divine action by which God puts a person right with himself, and which then becomes a dynamic power in the believers life making righteous, or a state of having been made righteous (Rom. 1:17). Hebrew: (1) righteousness, justice, rightness, i.e., the state of doing what is required according to a standard (Ps 31:2); (2) justice (Is. 5:23); 3. innocence, i.e., the state of not having any sin or its associated guilt. Faith: Greek: (pistis), (eos), (he): a state of certainty with regard to belief (Ac 17:31); the state of complete dependability (Ro 3:3); Christian faith, belief in the Gospel (Ro 1:8; Eph 2:8; Gal 1:23; Jude 3). Hebrew: (emuwnah); 49 occurrences; AV translates as faithfulness 18 times, truth 13 times, faithfully five times; faithfulness, trustworthiness, steadiness, entrusted, i.e., a state or condition of being dependable to a person or standard. The message of Romans essentially says, we are made righteous because God puts a person in right standing with Him through the faith of the believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Righteousness of God expressed in the Old and New Testaments The idea of the righteousness of God is a fundamental biblical idea that encompasses both Testaments. In the Old Testament God says: Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and there is no other. I have sworn by Myself, the word has gone from My mouth in righteousness, and will not turn back (Isa. 45:22-23). I bring near My righteousness, its not far off: my salvation will not delay (Isa. 46:13; 51:5). In these passages the righteousness of God is conceived as going forth, as projected from the Divine essence, and realizing itself among men. In Is. 54:17 its expressly said, Their righteousness [which] is of Me; and in Is. 45:25 the process is described as one of justification (in the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified. In close attendance on the righteousness of God is His salvation; where the one is, the other immediately follows. Pauls message to the Romans shines a new light on the righteousness of God. His righteousness flows forth and embraces man, when its met by faith. In Romans 3:21, Paul claims that this righteousness of God is attested to in the Old Testament. Paul makes clear that only those who believe will experience Gods righteousness. He reiterates the importance of faith with a quotation from Habakkuk 2:4, The righteous will live by faith.? No other New Testament book exposits the righteousness of God as thoroughly, and precisely, as the book of Romans. From the opening introduction to Pauls final exhortation, Gods righteousness is the pervasive topic. The Righteousness of God by Faith Its unlikely that one can find a passage in Scripture that concisely summarizes the message of salvation more effectively than Romans 1:16-17. The word righteousness occurs ninety-two times in the New Testament, and thirty-six times in the book of Romans. Paul states the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (v. 17). Its difficult to know exactly what Paul had in mind with this phrase. He may be saying its a faith from first to last, indicating that faith must govern our approach to God throughout our walk with him. We never outgrow our need for faith, and God never changes that requirement. My view is that Paul is describing the faith that Gods people had in Old Testament times (Old Covenant), and the faith that is in Christ Jesus in the New Testament times (New Covenant). Its a continuation of faith from old to new, and first to last; from faith to faith. Righteousness is doing that which is expected within the Covenant relationship. Under the Old Covenant God gave the Law, and thereby demonstrated that man is under obligation to meet with his approval. Under the New Covenant; God gave His Son Jesus, and promises to give his approval if man responds to Christ in faith. Christ is now the object of our faith. Apart From the Law, the Righteousness of God is Manifested In this section (Rom. 3:21-26), Paul shifts to a more positive approach to the gospel. This passage restates the thesis of Romans 1:17, after elaborating its antithesis in 1:18-3:20. If 3:21- 26 is contrasted with all of 1:18-3:20, then its possible to say, As the wrath of God dominated the old era (1:18), so the righteousness of God dominates the new. Now but without Law rightness of God has been demonstrated having testified by the Law, and the spokesmen (Rom. 3:21). This translation shows the challenge of bringing the full meaning of one language into another, but in this verse we see the changing of the guard, so to speak, in relation to Gods righteousness. The fulfillment of the Law is in Christ Jesus: its in Him, and through Him that we obtain righteousness. In other words, according to Paul, God gave the Law not only to regulate the conduct of his people, but more importantly, to reveal their sin until the fulfillment of the promises in Christ. Righteousness came to man by way of proper behavior under the Old Testament Law. The Law reveals the righteousness of God, because the Law is holy, righteous, and good (Rom. 7:12). Through the Gospel righteousness comes by believing in the person, and work, of Jesus Christ. The righteousness of God refers to the manner in which God brings people into a right relationship with Himself. He does this apart from the Law, because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified (v. 20). If it were possible to keep the Law perfectly, where is righteousness to be found? That encapsulates Pauls theology of Justification. Righteousness is attained through faith (3:22). The cost of Justification is free to us; for God, the price is His Son. Gods wrath was poured out on Jesus as a ransom in order to purchase us for Himself. Through the sacrifice of his Son, God has demonstrated, and satisfied His righteousness (3:25, 26). Its the righteousness which proceeds from God (gen. auctoris), which personally appeared in Christ, who is our Righteousness,? and which is communicated to the believer for Christs sake in the act of justification by faith. This new method of acquiring righteousness does not rely upon works; but on faith, and devotion to Jesus Christ. Its therefore no longer confined to any particular people, but is thrown open without distinction to all, on the sole condition of believing; Jew or Gentile. As stated previously, Justification is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, its not enough to say, I believe, and go to church. Even demons have belief in God, yet they are not justified (James 2:19). A person must believe in the Person, and work of the Lord Jesus Christ; the source of justification. Justification is for all people. Its not what you have done or who you are, its what Jesus has done, and who He is. What mankind could not do for himself, God has done for him through Jesus Christ. All have sinned, and become unacceptable to a holy and righteous God (v. 23). Paul reminds us that the universal invitation to believe is the flip side of the universal need for salvation. There is no difference, he affirms at the end of verse 22, continuing in verse 23 with the well-known summary of 1:18-3:20: all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. Everyone stands condemned: in need of Justification. There is none who seek God; all have turned aside.there is none who does good, not even one (Rom. 3:11-12). Abraham Believed and Righteousness was Credited to Him Romans chapter four is one of the key chapters relating to the righteousness of God. Continuing his discussion on justification by faith from chapter three, Paul presents Abraham in chapter four to establish his argument for the righteousness of God, to all who believe (Rom. 4:3-5). Paul refutes the assumption of 4:1 by arguing in 4:9-12 that Abraham is not simply the father of the Jews but of all who believe (4:11b). Abraham was not justified by his works but rather by faith (4:2-3). Abraham; the father of us all, and the heir of the world, was credited with righteousness because he believed God through the righteousness of faith (4:13). No other chapter demonstrates Gods righteousness through faith as succinctly as chapter four of Romans because it ties together the old and the new Covenants. Jew is not superior to the Gentile because of their father Abraham. The faith of Abraham is the same faith that allows all nations to accept the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus (4:16-18). When we believe in Christ an exchange occurs, Christ allows our faith to be the incentive for forgiveness, and the bestowal of His righteousness on us. There is absolutely nothing we can do to earn this new position in Christ; its a gift of grace. The remainder of chapter 4 is quickly explained. Pauls remark in 4:16 concerning the faith of Abraham cues the description of Abrahams faith in 4:17-22. Then Paul makes the present day application of the Abraham example in 4:23-25. The Free Gift of Righteousness Where Adam inaugurated a solidarity in sin and death, Christ is presented as the inaugurator of a new, and immeasurably more powerful solidarity in righteousness and life. There is nothing in man that would give cause for God to save him. No person seeks God on his own (Rom. 3:11). That is what makes Romans 5:8 so amazingly incomprehensible. God demonstrates His love for us while we were yet sinners, and died for us. Everyone deserves condemnation unto death. Through Gods perfect love, He chose to provide everyone with the opportunity of receiving His free gift of grace that leads to the righteousness of salvation (5:8-9). Our righteousness is a gift from God, turning condemnation into justification (5:15-17). The disobedience of the one man, Adam, caused many to be made sinners, and the enemies of God (5:8;10). In contrast to the disobedience of Adam, the obedience of the one man, Jesus, made the free gift of righteousness possible through His atoning work on the cross (v. 16). Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul frequently uses the term righteousness in a paradoxical sense by showing how God offers righteousness to the unrighteous as a free gift by declaring them justified through Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:24). In Romans 5:9, the ungodly of v.6, sinners of v.8, and enemies of God in v. 10 are now declared righteous. They become the recipients of the abundant provision of the gift of grace, and righteousness, through Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:17). There is mercy in God, there is sufficiency in the satisfaction of Christ: the promise is free, and universal. Nothing is or ever can be goodness in man except for the spirit of Christ revealed in his soul. Christ in us is our only goodness, as Christ in us is our hope of glory. Christ in us is the pure free gift of God to us because the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 6:23). There are many things we will never fully understand this side of heaven. Gods love is one of those things. How can we comprehend the love He has for us? He laid down His life for His friends. (John 15:12-14). We are His friend if we love each other as He loves us. The origin of Gods justification is His grace; the historical basis of this gift is the redemption that came through Christ Jesus. Living Out the Righteousness of God The righteous requirements of the Law . . . fully met in us who do not walk according to the flesh, but of the spirit (Rom. 8:4). When Paul said that the righteous requirements of the Law are fully met in the believer, he was making an astonishing statement. Rightly understood, the Law does not just speak to what we do and say outside, it calls for us to be changed inside as well. Do not let sin reign in your body so that you obey its lusts (Rom. 6:12). Paul says we are to count ourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11). The person once guilty, but now saved by grace, has been set right in relation to God. Christs work fulfils the need for sanctification. He made allowance for this in His atonement, and in the abundance of His grace. Its completed in Him, and must be accepted as the free and perfect gift through Christ alone. You are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from Godthat is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30). Does sanctification mean we are dead to the sinful self? That life has been crucified with Christ already, on the cross. We need only hand it over to Him. He will do away with it, and lay it to rest forever in His grave. Is sanctification a new life of purity, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit? Christ Himself must be our life, our peace, our purity, and our full and overflowing joy. We are to live as living sacrifices to Him, presenting our members to Him as instruments of righteousness (Rom. 6:13). The word Instruments (opla): properly signifies arms, or implements of war; but it also denotes an instrument of any kind which we use for defense or aid. Here, it means that we should not devote our members; hands, tongue, etc., as if under the direction of sinful passions, and corrupt desires, to accomplish purposes of iniquity. We should not make the members of our bodies the slaves of sin reigning within us. Christians must cultivate peace and harmony with each other. We are to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3), and be of one mind; live in peace (2 Cor. 3:11). The cultivation of unity and peace are derived from love. Love will lead us to bear one anothers burden, and so fulfill the Law of Christ (Gal. 6:2). That Law is freedom through grace, and faith in Christ Jesus. The slaves of sin can have no part in this freedom from the Law since they are still subject to the penalties of the Law, which are the necessary results of sin. In Romans 6:16, Paul is saying the one who is our master is the one whom we obey. If you obey sin, then that is your master. Do not say Christ is your master if you are living in sin; sin is your master. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). Free to live for Him, and free to obey Him. Sin is our former master; grace through Christ is our new master. You have been set free from sin, and have become slaves to God (Rom. 6:22). As long as we are living on this earth, the flesh (the body) will cry out for attention, and that is the instrument by which Satan works to destroy our faith. Platonists frequently use metaphors relating to warfare, imprisonment, rule, and slavery to explain the relationship between the souls parts. Platonism is distinctive in appealing to a vision of the soul locked in a fierce struggle between reason and the emotions, the rational and irrational faculties, or the better and worse parts of the soul. In Romans 6:12-14, Paul sees a mind that has been formerly enslaved to sin, now liberated by Gods intervention. Sins rule still threatens, as Paul eloquently points out in chapter 7 of Romans. Roman 7 presents an extended monologue about the struggle with sin. Sin does the exact opposite of what the soul knows is just and good. The rule of sin, and the rule of God are developed as antithetical forms of enslavement. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Rom. 7:24-25). Conclusion This paper has clearly shown that the epistle of Romans describes Gods righteousness more thoroughly than any other book of Scripture. Pauls letter to the Romans takes the reader on a journey that outlines the sinfulness of man, the Good News of the Gospel, and application of the righteousness of God to daily life. God does not judge us on the basis of who we are, or on the basis of how much we know about Him, but on the basis of what we do with what we know. Paul begins in Romans 1:16 by stating he is not ashamed of the gospel because its the power of God unto salvation. Its the power of God unto salvation because the righteousness of God is revealed in it from faithfulness unto faith. Gods righteousness is the righteousness that belongs to God, and more specifically, the righteousness God gives when a person trusts Christ (Rom. 10:3-4). God righteousness is the theme that flows from the beginning to the end of the letter to the Romans.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Huckleberry Finn Essays: Challenge to Slavery :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Challenge to Slavery Adventures of Huckleberry Finn In recent years, there has been increasing discussion of the seemingly racist ideas expressed by Mark Twain in Huckleberry Finn. In some extreme cases the novel has even been banned by public school systems and censored by public libraries. The basis for these censorship campaigns has been the depiction of one of the main characters in Huckleberry Finn, Jim, a black slave. Jim, is a "typical" black slave who runs away from his "owner," Miss Watson. At several points in the novel, Jim's character is described to the reader, and some people have looked upon the characterization as racist. However, before one begins to censor a novel it is important to separate the ideas of the author from the ideas' of his characters. It is also important not to take a novel at face value and to "read between the lines" in order to capture the underlying themes of a novel. If one were to do this in relation to Huckleberry Finn, one would, without doubt, realize that i t is not racist and is even anti-slavery. Through society, Huck’s father and Huck, Mark Twain reveals a challenge to slavery. On a superficial level Huckleberry Finn might appear to be racist. The first time the reader meets Jim he is given a very negative description of Jim. The reader is told that Jim is illiterate, childlike, not very bright and extremely superstitious. However, it is important not to lose sight of who is giving this description and of whom it is being given. Although Huck is not a racist child, he has been raised by extremely racist individuals who have, even if only subconsciously, ingrained some feelings of bigotry into his mind. It is also important to remember that this description, although it is quite saddening, was probably accurate. Jim and the millions of other slaves in the South were not permitted any formal education, were never allowed any independent thought and were constantly mistreated and abused. Twain is merely portraying by way of Jim, a very realistic slave raised in the South during that time period. To say that Twain is racist because of his desire for historical accuracy is absurd. Despite the few incidences in which Jim's description might be misconstrued as racist, there are many points in the novel where Twain through Huck, voices his extreme opposition to the slave trade and racism.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Explore the different types of leadership Golding and Garland present E

Explore the different types of leadership Golding and Garland present in Lord of the Flies and The Beach. In Lord of the Flies and The Beach many leadership qualities are shown. These qualities are shown in different ways for example one leader is elected by democracy, another is self-appointed and lastly there is the destructive leader. Lord of the Flies was written in 1954. A time when commercialisation was not an issue and media hype only had subtle effects of society. The Beach was written in 1996, American globalisation has begun and the media played a massive part in society. I will look at how the different time may affect the way in which a leader reacts. The most obvious resemblance between the novels is the setting and the isolation of the islands yet there is a differentiation in that the boys in Lord of the Flies are stranded and are forced to try and survive where they don’t really want to be. The Characters in The Beach have chosen to be isolated in such surroundings and don’t want to leave. For them it is not a matter of survival. In both novels the leadership and order of their close-knit communities is similar, the way both societies morals decline and the introduction of violent behaviour is the start of their destruction. Although they bare resemblance they are very different. I will look at how the leaders affect this. Firstly I will look at what makes a good leader, I will then look at each character in turn and establish the different types of leadership Golding and Garland present in Lord of the Flies and The Beach. What makes a good leader? It has been said that some are born with the right qualities and some develop them. Whether nature or nurture a good leader should alwa... ...le attributes for a leader only this is the only leadership quality Jed holds. In conclusion, I believe that Sal was the most suitable leader although being selfish at heart, all she cared about was the beach, which in effect was a good thing. Bugs simply did as Sal said so I doubt in a tough situation alone Bugs would be able to make calm and good decisions. Richard obviously is not really a contender for any type of leadership because of his childishness and uncaring nature. After comparing and analyzing the leadership in both novels I have evidence to believe that a personality such as Ralph’s would always be best for a leadership placement. He is compassionate, forward thinking and loyal. Both novels show mans natural instinct to resort to destructive violence, Ralph is the only exception to this and is the most focused character from both novels.